Scid vs PC versions

Play different variations of classical chess
Apr 25, 2013
Sep 2, 2012
Feb 14, 2012
Apr 17, 2019
Sep 2, 2013

What's new

v4.8 [Sep 2, 2012]
Drag and Drop file open(s) on Windows and Unix
Custom background images (jpegs, gifs and pngs)
Random sort pgn feature.
Crosstable now have /-/= subtotals
(and Player Stats format changed from /=/- to /-/=).
General PGN search has ignore case option
Board Search gets it's combobox updated when DBs are opened and closed.
Save game before PGN Import
Save game: enable the use of 'prev game tags' for existing games. This allows easy addition of the same tags to consecutive existing games.
Remove the 'Scid: ' prefix from several window titles
Update some translations
Show Linux version/distro in the startup window.
Add a patch to make toolbar buttons raise only (instead of toggle open/shut)
Add a patch for Chess960 support (from Ben Hague). Unfinished
UCI: properly handle UCI buttons. Previously they were invoked at every engine restart.
Right clicking 'Add Var' button adds Engine Score comment only.
Replace ponder on/off with hard/easy for xboard engines
Super quick engine infos can happen before Scid's PV is inited properly. So we have to default to PV = 1
Allow xboard engines to use lowercase 'b' for bishop promotion (eg a7b8b)
Don't send an erroneous 'isready' (with 'uci') to quiet analysis engines
Right clicking the widget allows to disable line wrapping
Don't add a line to analysis history if moves are null
Move ECO stats to the end of line.
Several Mask refinements - notably Searches are much more readable and previously clicking on searched lines didn't work
Fix up minor bugs about castling moves (OO, O-O, O-O-O)
Computer Tournament
Computer Tournament Book feature
Dont' kill tournament if engine crashes.
Only pack the first 10 engine combos (which allows for big tournaments)
Fix up Xboard time/move command order. Xboard engines should behave much better.
Various other tweaks
Show altered games in red.
Control-wheelmouse scrolls up/down one page.
Switcher now has text on two lines (if icons are shown).
Digital clocks now (optionally) on the main board
Better integration of FICS "examine" and "observe" features
FICS has it's own options menu
bind F9 to xtell instead of tell.
Change the move.wav sound from tick-tock to a short click.
Filter graph bugfix
Material Search properly shows the little buttons
Copy and Paste text from disabled OSX text widgets (engines, help, gameinfo)
Buttons 2 and 3 are swapped around
General Bugs
Work arounds for wish 8.5.12 and 8.5.8 issues
Analysis logs can badly break autoscroll, so use normal frames and scrollbars.
Handle PGN parsing of unspecified promotions (b8 becomes b8=Q , for eg).

v4.1 [Sep 2, 2013]
- Analysis Engine: exclude move(s) feature. Mouse-hover shows excluded moves.
- Analysis Engine: button to pop-up unrevealed buttons, and redo a few icons.
- Maintenance: Bulk strip Comments/Variations.
- Depth-based Engine Annotation improvements.
- Tweaked key bindings (including FilterReset Control-r and GameSave Control-s).
- Improved Background Colour feature.
- Add 'Find' entry boxes to more windows (including spelling corrections) , and widget can now use regular expressions.
- Splash widget console now has a simple command history (up-arrow).
- Better Repair Base feature (from Gregor).
- Include Gregors fast file opening with the windows 32-bit binary.
- Bind Control-Wheel to alter fixed font size (in some windows).
- Added Russian translation and updated German one.
- Enforce all tags (eg Event names, etc) to be less than 256 chars.
- Tweak Scid's Linux installer is to properly allow custom SHAREDIR.
- Windows drag and drop file open wasn't being init properly.
- Better handle language translations/encoding.
- Crosstable: bump max-player limit, tweak menus and bind right-click to menu, fix occasional allignment bug, and dont' automatically update (fixing busy cursor bug).
- Bump Opening Table limits, and minor bug-fixes.
- Added (Skak) Latex export-games feature .
- Update Xfcc to handle secure connections .
- Fix minor memory leaks, and dont slow game file compaction .
- Bestgames has a game load menu instead of 3 buttons.
- Refine docked window drag and drop.
- Many minor OS X tweaks.
- Trim whitespace from name fields in game save dialog.
- Add whitespace corrections to spelling.ssp, and also tweak Event spelling corrections.
- Tooltips for the obscure buttons in main buttonbar.
- Analysis add move as 'New Mainline' was broke.
- Always get confirmation for sorting via gamelist.
- Enforce illegalilty of saving Event Date without Game Date.
- Phalanx updates and minor tacgame, sergame fixes.
- Make a few windows have small font buttons.
- Shift Wheel(/ left-right wheel) scrolls a few widgets horizontally.
- Break up the long Book Tuning button menus.
- Many minor bugfixes and further tree-only filter fixes.

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